Wednesday, December 3, 2008

5 senses

Trying to get a pick-me-up going here. Haven't had the best day and I would be lying if I said I wasn't wallowing in my bad mood, but that's over with. Time to get this day going! I had this nifty little idea about the 5 senses today. We all know what they are and we experience them everyday! I think noticing what we love in this world is just one way to lift our spirits. If we're always finding the bad in a situation (like I was this morning) the good will somehow get lost in that furrowed brow! Today, ask yourself "what do I love?" It can be quite an overwhelming question can't it? There's just too much to name! If only there were a way to categorize our Stay with me here, I'm going somewhere....

My senses-
What do I love? Well, I know what I love, the question is what do YOU love? Make a list and put it somewhere so whenever you're down and out you can remind yourself how wonderful your life is
Puppies, the Northern Lights, old couples holding hands, sunrise, the ocean after being away for a long time, smiles, cute boys, train tracks, the view from high up in a tree, handwritten words on a piece of paper, colors, sunshine, New York City at Christmas time, peace signs, black and white photography, tie dye, looking up sometimes (try it)
Tires going through puddles, the background noise of a Seinfeld episode, the first note that hits the wall when someone starts to sing, the quiet sound that snow brings, music when I first wake up in the morning, a compliment in my ear, laughter (any kind, anywhere), the noise my shoes make on tile floor when I come in from the rain, the garage door going up when I was a kid (that always meant Mom was home), jingle bells...bells in general, choirs, the banjo, a friend fiddling with his guitar, "The Golden Girls" theme :), "I love you"

A strawberry/banana smoothie, a chicken salad sandwich, a snowflake, my best friend's macaroni and cheese, peanut butter chip cookies on my birthday, Tropicana's Simply Apple (get on the bandwagon, folks), salty kisses, a cheeseburger
Lips touching for the first time, my gold blanket I blanket (it's like velvet), a scratchy beard, my hands in bread dough, anything mushy, my hair after a trim, feather pillows, my legs after I shave, petting my dog, laying naked wrapped up in my soft bamboo twill sheets, first time interacting with a romantic interest (the hand brush is my favorite), lips on the nape of a neck, summer rain on my skin, a whisper on my ear, hugs from my parents...hugs from anyone foe that matter, a warm mug on a cold day, Eskimo kisses
Bonfires, pine trees, charbroiled anything, funnel cakes at a carnival, ganja smoke, salt water, cinnamon, the phantom scent of an ex boyfriend when you're running errands, boys after they get out of the shower (that goes for touch too), beer, my friend's patchouli incense, the bakery section of any fine grocery store, a bouquet of unexpected roses, rain, my dad's special sausage patties
Well, hopefully this inspires you. Hope everyone has a good day and here's a little something from my childhood that always made me feel better

1 comment:

Vitamin K said...

What a fantastic post! I love the idea and never really though about breaking down the things I love into senses.

I'm going to do this one day soon (will link back to you of course). Thanks for stopping by my blog. xxoo

Ms Constantine